Friday, March 25, 2011

What if...

I cut my hair like this?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mildly Funny Podcast

So the other day I was the guest speaker on a podcast. How you ask? Well let me tell you how it all went down...

I was driving up to Kamas a few weeks ago with my new friend Dusty who was telling me about two of his friends who started a podcast. In the (then) latest episode, one of the guys on the podcast tells a story about getting a massage for the first time. And it was hilarious. So as I am cracking up listening to this, Dusty gets the idea that it would be funny if I were a guest on their podcast. So he calls his friends Andrew and Jason and next thing I know, I get a phone call from these guys and am on a podcast.

You should probably listen first to the episode Like me. Massage me. Love me? for the story to understand what we are talking about when I debut in I just can't hold it in.

*Note: The massage story starts about 13minutes in.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tea + Oatmeal = Toatmeal

I love oatmeal. But I don't love how bland it is without the addition of sugar. One day I was making oatmeal and was trying to figure out how to make it tasty without adding heaps of sugar, and on a whim threw in a bag of blackberry tea - best decision I made that day, hands down.

Goodbye bland oatmeal, hello tasty healthy tea infused oatmeal (affectionately termed toatmeal hereafter).

Toatmeal is now one of my favorite breakfast foods. The possibilities are endless, really. My current favorite new creation I just made and am enjoying this very minute is dubbed Lemon Berry Toatmeal: it includes lemon tea with frozen mixed berries, a bit of honey, and flax seed. Seriously though, how can you go wrong?

Also favorites:
  • Bengal Spice Toatmeal with honey or agave and walnuts. Think all the wonderfulness of Christmas in oatmeal form. Its that good.
  • Peaches and Cream Toatmeal - peach tea, a small spoonful of brown sugar, rice milk (or regular milk), and fresh peaches cut on top (when they're in season). This one is SO MUCH BETTER than the instant peaches and cream and WAY healthier. This one came to pass one lovely summers day... I can't wait for fresh peach season again!
  • Pumpkin Spice Toatmeal - bengal spice toatmeal again with the addition of a few spoonfuls of canned pumpkin, honey, and walnuts or pecans. Yum!
So how does one make this tasty toatmeal you ask? Easy. (So long as you can make oatmeal from scratch on the stove, you are good to go).
  • Place tea bag in water while boiling to steep - cover and let simmer for a few minutes to get the full flavor out of the tea bag.
  • Remove tea bag and add oatmeal and rice milk or milk to consistency. (When using frozen berries I add them here).
  • Simmer until cooked through.
  • Add other ingredients as desired (walnuts, honey, agave, flaxseed, etc...)
  • Enjoy!!!
Go on now, get out there and make some toatmeal. You won't regret it....