Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tea anyone?

Earlier today I was thinking about what I might post from the week, and was coming up short on clever ideas. Don't you worry though, as fate would have it a sweet story presented itself no less than an hour ago. (Does that mean I subconsciously brought this on myself?) I swear the funniest things happen to me when I'm alone, which unfortunately means there is no one around to revel in the awesomeness. Thank you trusty new blogsite for remedying this problem:

So there I was. Sunday night. Winding down after an hour of telling random embarrassing/funny mishap stories with some friends at ward prayer. I make a huge steaming mug of peppermint tea, sit down on the couch, and place the mug on the armrest (where I always place my beverages, bytheway). I lean over to pick up the laptop off the ottoman, when next thing I know - without my even touching it - the full mug of tea mysteriously topples over and the entire boiling contents spill out all over the couch... and my left bum-cheek. For a second I sit there stunned at how this even happened, not realizing how hot the tea is. I get up to grab a towel to sop up the still steaming splotch, when the fire sets in. The tea had soaked into my jeans and become trapped. I unbuttoned my jeans and starting fanning to get some of the heat out, but it was no use. The damage had already been done. I consulted the mirror to confirm that I indeed have a 1st degree burn on my bum. Needless to say, I didn't have it in me to make a second mug.

I may or may not be sitting on a bag of frozen peas as I write this...


  1. i may have giggled out loud. is that ok?
    oh katy you have the greatest stories

  2. bahaha! wish i was there. good luck with the out of commission bum cheek!

  3. I am so evil. I'm just laughing and here I am not thinking about your little sensitive heiny. Poor little tush. May it recover fully...

  4. I think a reenactment is in order.
