Monday, February 13, 2012

{Day 2} I am grateful for...

Students who love anatomy, are engaged in the learning process (i.e. answer and/or ask questions, think my stories are interesting rather than give blank stares, smile if its too much to ask to laugh when I make a joke), and express appreciation. Today I had my last session with one of my anatomy classes. The class is only half over and another instructor will teach the remaining sessions due to scheduling conflicts. I could have sworn this class could care less if I was up there teaching or not. But today, after explaining to them how the rest of their coursework would go with their other instructor taking over, many of them expressed distress at the thought of me not teaching them, and appreciation for what I had taught them. Who knew? Maybe they like me after all...

Dark chocolate and cherries - and the cookies I will make with them for V-Day tomorrow. But until then, I will continue to snack on said ingredients while I finish my gratitude list for the day.

Clean bathrooms. And clean, folded, put away laundry. And a tidy room. It was long overdue, but it sure is nice to have a clean living space.

Gchat, specifically the video chat variety that allows me to see my cute niece and how big and grown up she is becoming. (This is a rollover from yesterday, but I am still grateful today. Isn't technology amazing?)

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